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영국 키더민스터의 폭발과 거대한 산업 화재

by 미니비올렛 2021. 9. 9.


영국 키더민스터에서 폭발이 일어나고 거대한 산업 화재가 발생했습니다. 


경찰은 검은 연기가 도시를 뒤덮고 있기 때문에 시민들에게 이 지역을 피하라고 권고했습니다.

폭발이 보고된 후 소방관들은 우스터셔 시의 산업 부서로 신속하게 파견되었습니다.



이미지를 누르면 원문기사로 넘어갑니다.


비디오 영상은 불타고 있는 공장으로 보이는 곳을 보여주며 인근 주거 지역 위로 연기 기둥이 치솟고 있습니다. 


현지인들은 이 장면을 "절대적인 혼돈"이라고 묘사했습니다.








Zaff on Twitter

“Kidderminster factory fire on right now. Hope everyone is okay. Can feel the heat from our building https://t.co/eGjDWwdDOC”





Daniel Rolinson on Twitter

“Huge fire bellowing smoke out at the end of my street in Kidderminster, absolute chaos. Fingers crossed everybody there is safe. https://t.co/XgHFOVyMGM”







Insider Paper on Twitter

“JUST IN - A massive industrial fire has broken out in Kidderminster, England - police warn residents to avoid the area. https://t.co/KpXxqPe0MP”





Alexander Brock on Twitter

“This video, taken by one witness, shows the inferno as well as the black plume of smoke billowing from the scene in Kidderminster We're bringing you updates on this major incident in the live blog below - reporter @AlisonDayani will soon be at the scene





Zaff on Twitter

“Kidderminster factory fire on right now. Hope everyone is okay. Can feel the heat from our building https://t.co/eGjDWwdDOC”





North Worcestershire Police on Twitter

“#Kidderminster Fire update: Current Road closures points: Park Street with Park Lane and Castle Street. Bewdley Road by the Hospital Other road closures are being put in place, Please avoid the area and keep windows closed. @WMerciaPolice @WorcsTravel @



